
We rely on the generosity of donations to provide support to those in need.

The Elm Foundation is a charitable organisation that relies on the generosity of donors to provide help to those affected by domestic abuse.

For almost 40 years we have provided services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Now more than ever, there is growing financial pressure to meet the ever-increasing demand for help. There are many ways that you can contribute to ensure that we are able to provide continuity of our services.

Donate today

To give to The Elm Foundation, please visit our our Just Giving page. Thank you.
Make a donation

Your Donating

So many of you get in touch asking us what items are useful to donate. A big THANK YOU from us at The Elm Foundation for everything you do for us.

To protect people’s health, we request that you donate NEW items only, this can include clothing, towels, bedding, brushes, slippers, toiletries. Plus, any new items that can be used within a welcome pack i.e. washing powder, washing up liquid, cleaning products, all help.

If you wish to donate large SECONDHAND items such as a baby pushchair, fridge, microwave etc. unfortunately we have no storage space. Please do not drop these items at our premises. We would share your list of kindly donated items with our staff, and they would arrange for the item(s) to be collected if urgently needed for a client.

CLICK HERE for our Annual Calendar of suggested gifting to help you plan ahead if you are organising collections or office donations.  

If you have any questions about donating, please get in touch with us by email: [email protected]  phone number: 07485 900422.

Donations Help Us Continue Our Services

Your donation

Every donation no matter how small helps support victims of domestic abuse to be safe and rebuild their lives.

  • £5 could provide a personal safety alarm for a victim/survivor.
  • £10 can provide window and security locks to help a survivor be safer at home.
  • £20 will sponsor a counselling session for a survivor.

As an individual, you could sponsor one of our events or sessions, or you could set up regular donations with your payroll department, so that your gift is given at source and is automatic. We can set this up for you.

  • £30 would sponsor 1 hour if specialist support for a child who has witnessed abuse at home.
  • £40 will sponsor a Helpline call for a victim needing to find refuge from a violent abuser.
  • £120 will pay for an overnight stay in a “crash pad refuge” for a victim fleeing their abuser.

We can’t thank you enough for your support. Your donations help us to keep our centre open, the helpline available and our services running, and they can also provide a new – safe – situation for women, men and children who are suffering right now.