The Freedom Programme
This is a course for women who are in, or have experienced, an abusive relationship. The aim of the programme is to help women understand the beliefs held by abusive men, identify and challenge any shared beliefs and help women come to terms with the abuse they have experienced.
The programme also aims to illustrate the effects of domestic abuse on children and assist women in recognising potential future abusers. It also aims to give women the power to leave an abusive relationship.
The course was developed by Pat Craven, who worked as a probation officer with male perpetrators of violence against women and children. After hundreds of conversations with perpetrators, she learned that abusive men use specific tactics to control women— and that this information needed to be shared with vulnerable women. She developed the Freedom Programme to help change, and even save, women’s lives. In 2008 she wrote a book called “Living with the Dominator” to share this information with people who were unable to participate in the programme.
The course is 12 weeks long. Each session lasts two hours is available online and in person. It is open to any woman aged 16 and above.
Power to Change
Young Persons (IPVA)
The Young Person’s IDVA helps and supports young people aged 13 – 19 years old who have witnessed or suffered domestic abuse.
If you are a young person who is experiencing relationship abuse or other interpersonal abuse, we can help you to plan how you can feel safer and move forward with your life.
Our Young Person’s IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) can help you:
- To put together a safety plan specific to your situation
- Help to exit an unsafe relationship
- Recognise unhealthy and unsafe relationships
- Be safe
- Help ensure your voice is heard with other professionals (such as teachers, social workers, Police, housing)
- Help you understand and learn from your own personal experience of domestic abuse
- Help you access counselling
- Support you to plan for the future and achieve your goals – free from abuse

You can refer to the Young Persons IDVA by contacting us on 08000 798 668 or emailing: [email protected].