A personalised package of support for children and young people (aged 5 to 17) who have experienced, witnessed or been affected by abuse between parents / carers.

Personalised support with a child-centred approach, where children and young people have a voice.

Every child has their own support plan based on their individual needs, delivered over 6 to 8 weeks. This usually takes place in school to ensure a safe and impartial atmosphere. We work in partnership with statutory and non-statutory agencies when the need arises to ensure the safety and well-being of the children, young people and families we work with.

Our support

Our practitioners use a range of creative and age-appropriate interventions including talking, play, arts and crafts, and storytelling to engage with children and young people and support them to:

  • Express their feelings, emotions and wishes and help them to make sense of what has happened.
  • Learn how to keep themselves safe by completing age-appropriate safety planning.
  • Learn how to manage angry feelings.
  • Learn how to cope with worries.
  • Develop positive coping strategies.
  • Build self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Build confidence and resilience.
  • Understand what a healthy relationship should look like.
  • Understand domestic abuse and its impact.

This support is for children and young people who have been exposed to domestic abuse between their parents / carers within the last 2 years. If the abuse is more historic than 2 years, we can explore signposting to our counselling services and other relevant organisations.